School Policies
School policies cover every aspect of school life. You can find some of our most important policies for your reference in the downloads section below. If you want to know our policy on something that is not listed, please ask the school office. We regularly review and update our policies.
The following Trust policies and documents can be located on the Anglian Learning website within the General, Data Protection, Financial or Safeguarding Policy pages, and the Key Statutory Documents and Statements page:
- Equality and Diversity Policy
- Public Sector Equality Duty statement
- Charging Policy
- Annual accounts
- Data Protection (and privacy notices)
- Freedom of Information
- Whistleblowing Policy
Key Statutory Documents and Statements
- Scheme of Delegation
- Gender Pay Gap Report
IPS Primary Admission Arrangements for 2023-24
IPS Primary Admission Arrangements 2024-25
IPS Primary Admission Arrangements 2025-26
Anti-bullying policy
Complaints policy
E-Safety policy
Health and Safety policy
Health and Safety Statement of Intent
Parent, Carer and Visitor Code of Conduct
Safeguarding policy
Behaviour policy
Attendance policy