
The Icknield Primary School follows a therapeutic approach to positive behaviour management and is well established in our school. The approach is based on the following principles:

  • Shared focus on inclusion of all children and young people within their educational settings
  •  A shared set of values and beliefs
  •  Open and shared communication
  •  A shared commitment to diversion and de-escalation
  •  Shared risk management
  •  Shared reparation, reflection and restoration

Staff at our school receive yearly training updates and our staff fully believe in the benefits this approach brings to the wellbeing of our children and staff alike.

With this approach there is a focus on equity and not equality and we very much believe in giving children what they ‘need’ to learn. This is often linked to them developing positive feelings leading to ‘pro-social behaviour’ and sometimes additional support is required to achieve this.

We have 3 Golden Rules which can be applied to many different areas of school life:

  1. We are respectful, truthful and hard-working.
  2. We look after people and property.
  3. We keep hands and feet to ourselves.


At The Icknield Primary School, children have the right to be safe, enjoy and achieve and make a positive contribution to school life. The school maintains a caring approach to all members of our school community and any form of bullying, physical, verbal, racial, homophobic, transphobic, sexist or any other type will not be tolerated.

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